Meet Lux N Locs: The Loctician!


What inspired you to pursue a career in the beauty industry? 

I ended up losing both of my jobs in the same week so I had to figure something out. I was always good at doing hair but knew nothing about doing Locs. I was in a relationship with a guy that used to let me practice on him. After a while, his friends would ask me to do their hair as well and it took off from there. 

Can you share a memorable moment from your early days in the industry? 

I started out doing house calls in FL. I was charging 25 dollars servicing Palm Beach to Miami. Doing house calls was a new adventure every day so the stories are endless. I might need to write a book for those lol.

How do you define your brand within the beauty space? 


 I am not only a loctician, but I am also an artist. My marketing strategies are very unique so my brand stands out from most in my opinion 

What does being featured in Hype Hair Magazine x Bronner Bros collaboration mean to you? 

 It means a lot to me because I come from a background where no one in my family has seen or done a lot. Not to mention no one believed it could be done because I just up and moved to a state where I didn’t know anyone or anything about Atlanta. I came here with $400, 2 suitcases, no car, and a plan. I lived in an extended stay for about 7 months and I was walking to work. I was terrified, but I made it. I am just happy to be the one to show my family and friends that anything is possible. 

Where do you see yourself in your career five years from now?

5 years from now I don’t know where I will be. I just want to be here to see it because I know God has a special plan for me so I just have to stay down and stay focused.

Who are some of your biggest influences in the beauty industry? 

I learned I lot from different stylists on YouTube. As I said before I knew nothing about Locs, but their videos helped me get where I am today. I am grateful for them all and they continue to inspire me.


What areas of expertise set you apart from other professionals in your field? 

 My way of thinking sets me apart from others. I love to try new things. It’s good to stand out 

 Can you share some advice for aspiring beauty professionals looking to make their mark?

It’s ok to try new things and if one thing doesn’t work out try something else. Don’t focus so much on being perfect. You may not get it right away, but if you stay consistent you will succeed. 

What role does innovation play in your approach to beauty and haircare? 

 My brand is fun and I look forward to feedback from my industry clients.

How do you balance staying true to your style while keeping up with industry legends?


 I don’t follow trends I would prefer to be the one setting them.

What challenges have you faced in your career, and how have they shaped your journey? 

I have always wanted to work with celebrity clients not knowing what comes with it. I am happy to be here, but I have learned that it comes with a lot that I was not prepared for. Now that I have adapted to my craft I want to teach others how to maintain while dealing with high-end clients.

What upcoming projects or collaborations can your fans and readers look forward to? 

I have products and classes on the way, but the marketing is unmatched. It might be a little uncomfortable, but It is going to be so much fun just entertaining the people. 

What’s your favorite beauty hack or product you can’t live without? 

 I love “Wet Loc and Twist” and Dr. Bronner’s Soap 


How do you stay motivated and inspired in a consistently evolving industry like beauty?

My kids and my supporters motivate me more and more every day. Sometimes I find myself sleeping on myself, but I do have a few people who know how to snap me out of it and for that, I will be forever thankful.

This issue is a masterpiece of beauty and artistry, captured by the talented @dinerovisualz, creatively directed by @iamthekingdavis, and curated by Get ready to be blown away! 🌟 #BronnerBros2024  #ATLBBHOMECOMING #HypeHairMagazine

Don’t miss the 2024 Bronner Bros International Beauty Show from February 24-26 at the Georgia World Congress Center. Secure your registration by visiting

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